Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Verizon: $200 for late Android buyers moving to iPhone 4

Verizon offers credit towards iPhone for buyers!

A new discovery in Verizon's FAQ for the iPhone 4has revealed a promo that shows an expectation that many recent buyers will switch. The offer will give anyone who bought a phone between November 26 and January 10 a $200 Visa debit card if they buy the iPhone 4 at its full price before the end of February. It doesn't amount to a full discount but is worded such that Verizon fully anticipated some Android and BlackBerry users had bought devices only on the assumption they couldn't get the iPhone.

"I just purchased a new smartphone during the holiday season, but if I knew that iPhone 4 was going to be available soon I would have waited," the FAQ question reads. "What are my options now?"

The carrier was known to have been evasive in its language regarding the iPhone this fall but is thought to have done this to protect its existing smartphone sales while it waited for its Apple deal to go public. Significant hints might have led some to hold off and hurt Verizon's holiday sales, even if it could count on a recovery this quarter.

Until this month, Verizon had always been one of the most public advocates of Android and given the platform its full attention. Signs have emerged that it may still be dissatisfied with Google as it has become the predominant OS on the network but hasn't been enough to prevent a rapid slowdown in smartphone sales where AT&T has owed nearly all its fast growth in recent months to the iPhone.

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